Friday, February 28, 2020

Self-Motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Self-Motivation - Essay Example Muhammad. In addition, the need to attain attention from other people also made him work harder. Lastly his envy towards other people who were able to communicate efficiently e.g. Bimbi made him yearn to reach that level. This made him look for different sources that could help him become fluent both in writing and communicating (Munisamy, 2005, p. 43). In reaction to his desires, he decided to use a dictionary in order to study the meaning of different words. This was together with tablets and pencils to write down words that he learnt. As a result, his writing speed improved and he started understanding some few words an aspect that motivated him more. Learning to use dictionary also broadened his knowledge as he came to realize that different people that belong to various races exist. This was in addition to different places of the world. Also, he was able to read books and understand the meaning of the sentences unlike previously when he could not comprehend anything. This experience improved his urge to learn more therefore, reducing his free time that he previously used in planning criminal activity that led him to prison. Instead, he used this time reading books. The experience of this person is a good lesson that what once desires can be achieved if the person devotes his effort towards achieving it. In addition, one should not be frustrated when he is unable to achieve it easily. Instead, he/she should use the frustrations as an encouragement to work harder as the results are fruitful. In addition, one should relate with the right people who can help either with material or psychological help as people with a negative attitude can reduce the motivation level. Having hailed from Uzbekistan I had a rough time communicating with my friends in United States who were fluent in English. Some of them jeered at me while other encouraged me to learn English. At first, it was hard for me to understand

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Magnetic nanowire arrays and their temperature stability Dissertation

Magnetic nanowire arrays and their temperature stability - Dissertation Example These nanowires are hexagonally arranged and highly ordered with wire to wire distances between 30 to 100 nm, wire diameters of 5 to 250 nm and lengths up to several ÃŽ ¼m depending on the preparation conditions. Ferromagnetic nanowires with diameters in the range of domain wall widths or even smaller are expected to behave as single domain particles. In the easiest case such nanowires can be interpreted as defect-free long ellipsoids with homogeneous magnetization and these represent model systems for the investigation of magnetic interactions because their magnetic properties are not obscured by difficult-to-control bulk domains. Within such nanowires the shape anisotropy, the magneto-crystalline anisotropy and – in the case of very fine nanowires (diameters about 5 nm) – the influence of the surface magnetism has to be considered. Depending on the distance between the nanowires the wires can be interpreted as magnetically isolated magnetic mono-domains or, in the case of arrays in alumina, as dipolar interacting mono-domains. For the understanding of the behavior of such arrays both theoretical and experimental investigations are essential. In the following we will just prese nt experimental results which demonstrate the basic magnetic properties.... Fig:- Hexagonally arranged Nanowire Arrays Ferromagnetic nanowires with diameters in the range of domain wall widths or even smaller are expected to behave as single domain particles. In the easiest case such nanowires can be interpreted as defect-free long ellipsoids with homogeneous magnetization and these represent model systems for the investigation of magnetic interactions because their magnetic properties are not obscured by difficult-to-control bulk domains. Within such nanowires the shape anisotropy, the magneto-crystalline anisotropy and – in the case of very fine nanowires (diameters about 5 nm) – the influence of the surface magnetism has to be considered. Depending on the distance between the nanowires the wires can be interpreted as magnetically isolated magnetic mono-domains or, in the case of arrays in alumina, as dipolar interacting mono-domains. For the understanding of the behavior of such arrays both theoretical and experimental investigations are ess ential. In the following we will just present experimental results which demonstrate the basic magnetic properties. Hysteresis loops of arrays of Co-nanowires in alumina with different diameters and roughly the same length with H parallel (II) and perpendicular (^) to the long wire axis. Aside from the scientific attitude such arrays of ferromagnetic nanostructures are of significant interest because of their possible application as ultrahigh-density magnetic recording media. The preparation of such systems is very cheap and fast compared to expensive and time consuming methods as microlithography and molecular beam epitaxy. In addition the diameter, interwire