Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Professional Issue

Questions: A. Does this action violate property rights? B. Who is effected by Joes actions? C. Explain how they are effected? D. If you were in Joes position what would you do? E.Conduct research and explain how we could ascertain information on a website is authentic. Answers: A.No Joe does not violate any intellectual property rights because IP rights give three types of protection in Australia for computer programs that is copyright, patent and circuit layout [1]. Copyright copyright give protection for the code of the computer program, and protect the code from being copied. Patent- patent gives protect to that way through which the program makes computer work. Circuit layout rights- this gives protection to the design and layouts of the electronic circuit. In the present case Joe does not copy any code, way or design. Therefore he does not violate any IP rights [2]. B.Other students and his instructor are affected by the actions of Joe. Joe changes the time limit of his assignment and increases that limit which is not an ethical conduct. Conduct of Joe is not only unethical but its also against the rules. C.Students are affected because it is unfair with them that Joe gets extra time to complete its assignment, and it also affect the grades of Joe because due to more time limit Joe is able to complete his project in better way which is considered as cheating. In case of instructor Joe illegally operate the master account and increase the time limits of his project which results in breaking of rules. case, if I am in Joe position I will never increase the time limit of the project, and try to complete my project within given time frame. What Joe did is not an ethical conduct. E.following are the ways through which we can ascertain whether information present on website is accurate or not: Accuracy- to determine the relevancy of information on website it is important to find who is operating the website. Such as websites operated by government agencies, universities, professional association, publisher, etc contains authentic information. Authority- for determining the authority of the website, it is important to check the information mention on the page about the author and any information related to other person who also contributes on the site. An authentic website always contains information related to contact of author. Objectivity- to determine the accuracy of website it is important to check whether the information is contributed by the same person or organization, and then check there is any reference for the content of information. Currency- it is important to check when the page was updated at last time, and also check whether website has any broken links. These things are the indications of an abandoned page. It is also important to check the number of new links appear on the website [3]. Coverage- to check whether website has covered complete information and compares the information on the other website also. Also compare the information mention on the website with books, journals, report etc. References- we can check the references present on the website for the information they provided [4]. Therefore after following the above steps we can check the accuracy of any website, and also information available on the internet sources. References: IP Australia. Patents for computer-related inventions. Available FTP: IP Australia. Types of IP. Available FTP: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Library and Documentation Centre. Available FTP: Milstin Undergraduate Liabrary. Evaluating Online Sources. Available FTP:

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